Monday, October 20, 2008

4.2.5 How might your target market be affected by government policies (e.g. new by laws or changes in taxes)?

Governments create the rules and frameworks in which businesses are able to compete against each other. From time to time the government will change these rules and frameworks forcing businesses to change the way they operate. Business is thus keenly affected by government policy. The world economy has over the last decade been undergoing a process of transition and change. The adjustment that took place in the advanced industrialized countries had repercussions on the rest of the world.

4.2.4 How might your target market be affected by larger socioeconomic trends?

a) By ECER
· The area that covered is 66,736 km2 or 51% from peninsular area. It involved 3.9 million of citizen. The development of ECER takes about 12 years from 2007 till 2020.
· The ECER will increase the economy sectors in Kuantan area. This situation will help to expand our business.
· By our observation, the ECER will change the social life of Kuantan citizen because of the increasing of household income. We believe that people are tending to do renovation work of their premise which needs the construction activity.

4.2.3 How might your target market be affected by economic events (e.g. a local mill closing or a big-box retailer opening locally)?

a) East Coast Economic Region (ECER)

· On 31st October 2007, Malaysia’s Prime Minister, Datuk Sri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, had launched East Coast Economic Region (ECER) in Kuantan. ECER is a new economic development corridor in Malaysia.
· The main objective of the ECER Master Plan is to accelerate growth of the East Coast Economic Region in a viable, equitable and sustainable manner. The Master Plan complements existing development plans for the region.
· The masterplan of ECER proposes to develop the region in 12 years starting from 2007 under the 9th, 10th and 11th Malaysia Plans.

4.2.2 How might your target market be affected by demographic shifts?

The target services focus at Kuantan area town which is consisting private, government and domestic building. Based on the projection planning by Local Authority, Kuantan will become one of City in Malaysia. Therefore, many domestic areas will be established and job opportunity will be increasing.

The demography of the selected areas will increase because the domestic areas is established and constructed. Improper development planning is important to support the increasing demand for these areas.

4.2.1 What proportion of your target market might be repeat customers?

· Make a service schedule for each building to make sure that there will be any overlap work at the same time to prevent from losing the costumer. Thus we always get the tender for the construction.
· With excellent and quality services to be provided, we estimate 75% of repeat customers for first year target.


Cement is one of the main materials in construction. The demands of this material are very high. From our research, almost company need this material because of the demand for supply is 100%. The market of these suppliers is increasing from time to time and the demands of this material also increase. Almost existing area in Kuantan has appointed their suppliers company. So, our company needs to target the market of the new area in Pahang, and nearest area like Johor, Terengganu,and Negeri Sembilan.


Our target market is construction field which are involve both of construction companies and contractor. We have to identify the numbers of Construction Company around in Malaysia and how many company that want to buy our product.

Marketing Location

Our company is target to market the product nearest to town especially the demand of construction nowadays is high around city or town. The purpose of choose the location is because the considering some factors that affected the business.

Size of target market

The size of the target market is quite large which involve construction around Pahang and some state nearest. As the develop country, the construction field is very high demand. Therefore, the construction activity still go on in period of time.